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Fun Facts

By Tom Bye, 11/12/18, 9:23AM CST


Did you know?.............................................

Here are some fun facts about the Minnesota Softball Fastpitch in 2018.

800 = Approximate number of teams played in Minnesota Softball Through the Tri County, Big West and the Gold League =
9,600 = # of players in the Metro Area =
19,200 = # of parents
38,400 = # of grandparents + Aunts and Uncles, siblings etc.
70,000 = Approximation of people somehow having an interest in fastpitch right here in the Metro area.

Did you know that in 2018 there were 118 post season tournaments?  Including; Qualifiers, Summer State, Nationals and Fall State.  Now that's a lot of softball opportunities!

Thank you for your continued support to help fastpitch softball grow every year in Minnesota.